Improving on Principles

Improving on Principles

In a world full of contrasting theories and bittersweet concepts, I have a single favorite: The Peter Principle. The Peter Principle is most commonly known in the context of bureaucracy, for which it concludes that competence is destined for failure. The example goes...
Data Corruption, Data Corruption

Data Corruption, Data Corruption

I was an intern at the University of Chicago, barely awake after a long night of call in the ICU. As I was presenting a new admission from the prior evening to the attending, he mercifully stopped me in my tracks while I was relaying numbers from the ventilator and...
The Future of Healthcare

The Future of Healthcare

In this period of dramatic change in the delivery of healthcare, the 2017 Becker’s conference was a great opportunity to gain valuable insight and information on the trends affecting our industry. Here are a few thoughts we came away with:   Emerging Trends In...